Text Wielder


What is Text Wielder?

What is SFRL?

The SFRL Script Window

A Quick Example

SFRL Find Statements

Find Statement Description
a Match the letter "a".
<^text^> Match any text except new lines.
<^text multiLine^> Match all of the text, including multiple lines.
<^lastName^>, <^firstName^> lastName will match everything before ", "(thats comma space) firstName will match everything after that.
<^fruit "apple" OR "orange"^> Match "apple" or "orange".
<^aWord word^> Match a single word.
<^text word OR "?"^> Match a single word or a question mark.
<^zipcode re = "[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?"^> Match a zipcode in the form of five digits optionally followed by a dash and four more digits.
<^zipcode optional re = "[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?"^> Optionally match a zipcode in the form of five digits optionally followed by a dash and four more digits.
Name:<^whiteSpace^><^name^> Match "Name:" followed by any amount of white space, followed by some text.

Reserved Find Variable Name Description
tab A tab character. \t
space A space character.
whiteSpace Any amount of tabs and/or spaces.
newLine A new line. Either \n, \r, or \r\n
lineFeed A line feed character. \n
carriageReturn A carriage return character. \r
comma A comma character.
period A period character.
doubleQuote A double quote character. "
singleQuote A single quote character. '
colon A colon character. :
semicolon A semicolon character. ;
backslash A backslash character. \
forwardslash A forwardslash character. /

SFRL Replace Statements

Replace Statement Description
a Output the letter "a"
<%= text %> Output the variable named "text" which was defined in the find statement.
Hello <%= name %> Output "Hello " followed by the variable named "name" which was defined in the find statement.
<%= text.toUpperCase() %> Output the variable named "text" in all uppercase.
Length of text:<%= text.length() %> Output "Length of text:" followed by the length of text.
<%= date %> Output the current date(e.g. 11/12/2001)

Reserved Replace Variable Name Description
tab A tab character. \t
space A space character.
newLine A new line charachter. \n
lineFeed A line feed character. \n
carriageReturn A carriage return character. \r
comma A comma character.
period A period character.
doubleQuote A double quote character. "
singleQuote A single quote character. '
colon A colon character. :
semicolon A semicolon character. ;
backslash A backslash character. \
forwardslash A forwardslash character. /
date The current date.
time The current time.


* SFRL is a trademark of Tinnef Software
** JavaServer Pages and JSP is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.